Hemingway House: Must-See Highlights of the Museum in Key West

Hemingway House: Must-See Highlights of the Museum in Key West

Experience Key West's Hemingway House, where the famous writer's legacy lives. Discover the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum.
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In the sunny town of Key West, Florida, there’s a special house that many people love to visit. This house once belonged to Ernest Hemingway, a famous American writer. It’s not just a regular tourist spot – it’s a place where you can feel the spirit of a great storyteller.

When you walk into Hemingway’s house, it’s like stepping into a different time. The house is big and beautiful, with a style that reminds you of old Spanish homes. Around the house, there are pretty gardens where you can walk and enjoy the warm Florida sun.

One of the fun things about this house is the cats. There are many cats living there, and some of them have extra toes! These special cats are descendants of Hemingway’s own pets.

Hemingway’s Life in Key West

Ernest Hemingway moved to Key West in 1931 with his wife, Pauline. He quickly fell in love with the island life. Hemingway wasn’t just a writer who stayed inside all day. He loved to go fishing in the ocean and spend time with the local people.

You can almost imagine Hemingway waking up early in the morning, getting on a boat, and sailing out to sea. He would spend hours fishing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful views. In the evenings, he might walk through the town, listening to music and talking with friends.

Hemingway Home Museum Room
Ernest Hemingway home
Hemingway Home Museum Rooms
Steven Miller

Literary Inspiration in the Tropics

Hemingway lived in Key West for almost ten years. During this time, he wrote some of his best-known books. Two famous stories he wrote here are “To Have and Have Not” and “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.”

The island life had a big impact on his writing. Many of his stories talk about the sea and the kind of people you might meet in a place like Key West. When you visit his house, you can see the room where he wrote these stories. It’s easy to understand how the beauty of the island helped him create such wonderful books.

Hemingway Home Museum Architecture
Hemingway Home and Museum

For Hemingway, Key West wasn’t just a place to live. It was a place that inspired him. He made many friends here and had lots of adventures. These experiences helped shape his writing and made his stories feel real and exciting.

When you visit Hemingway’s house, you’re not just seeing an old building. You’re getting a chance to understand the life of one of America’s greatest writers. You can walk through the same rooms where he lived, see the desk where he wrote, and feel what it might have been like to be Ernest Hemingway in Key West.

The House and Its Unique Features

The Hemingway House sits at 907 Whitehead Street in Key West. It’s a big, beautiful house built in 1851, long before Hemingway lived there. When you walk inside, you’ll see high ceilings and big rooms. It feels open and airy, which was great for staying cool in the hot Florida weather.

Imagine Hemingway sitting in these rooms, writing his famous stories. The walls seem to hold secrets of the many days and nights he spent here, working on his books and having fun with friends.

A Garden Paradise: When you step outside the house, you’ll find yourself on a big porch that goes all the way around. From here, you can look out at the beautiful gardens. It’s easy to picture Hemingway standing here, drinking something cold and thinking about his next story.

The gardens are like a mini jungle, full of green plants and colorful flowers. It’s a quiet place where you can walk around and enjoy nature’s beauty. Many visitors find it peaceful to stroll through these gardens, just like Hemingway might have done.

The Famous Pool: One of the most interesting things about the house is its swimming pool. This wasn’t just any pool – it was the first one ever built in Key West! Back when Hemingway lived here, having a pool was a big deal. It showed that he was successful and could afford nice things.

Today, visitors can see this pool and think about how special it must have been when it was first built. It’s not just for swimming – it’s a piece of history that tells us about life in Key West long ago.

The Polydactyl Cats of Hemingway House

When you visit the Hemingway House, you might notice something funny about the cats that live there. These cats are special because they have extra toes! They’re called polydactyl cats, which is just a fancy way of saying “many-toed.”

The story of these cats starts with one cat named Snow White. A ship captain gave Snow White to Hemingway as a gift. This cat had six toes, which is more than most cats have.

Hemingway Home Museum Six Finger Cat

Now, many years later, there are lots of cats at the Hemingway House. Many of them are related to Snow White! These cats walk around the house and gardens like they own the place. They’re very friendly, and visitors love to see them.

These cats are more than just pets. They’re like a living part of the house’s history. When you see them, you can imagine Hemingway petting them or watching them play in the garden.

Hemingway’s Writing Studio

In a quiet corner of the Hemingway House, there’s a special room that holds a lot of magic. This room is Ernest Hemingway’s writing studio. It’s not just any room – it’s where some of the world’s most famous stories were born.

Hemingway’s writing studio was above the carriage house, away from the main house. This was important because it gave him a quiet place to work. When you step into this room, you can almost feel the creative energy that’s still there.

In the middle of the room, there’s a big desk. This is where Hemingway would sit every day to write his stories. He was very disciplined about his writing. He would start early in the morning and work until the afternoon. It’s easy to imagine him sitting at this desk, deep in thought, creating his famous characters and stories.

Around the room, there are bookshelves filled with books. These books were probably a big source of inspiration for Hemingway. There’s also his typewriter, which he used to write his stories. It’s amazing to think that some of the most famous books in the world were written on this very machine.

Some of Hemingway’s best-known books were written in this studio. “To Have and Have Not” and “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” are just a few of the stories that came to life in this room. Parts of “Green Hills of Africa” were also written here. When you’re in this room, you’re standing in the same place where these great stories were created.

Inside the Ernest Hemingway House and Museum

When you visit the Hemingway House and Museum, you’re not just seeing an old house. You’re getting a chance to step into Hemingway’s world and see how he lived and worked.

Hemingway Home Museum Bedroom
Steven Miller
Hemingway Home Museum Bathroom
Steven Miller

One of the most exciting things to see is Hemingway’s original typewriter. This isn’t just any old machine – it’s the very typewriter that Hemingway used to write some of his most famous books. Books like “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and “A Farewell to Arms” were typed on this machine. When you see it, you can almost imagine Hemingway sitting there, typing away and creating his stories.

The museum has lots of photographs that show different parts of Hemingway’s life. These pictures are like windows into his world. You can see photos of Hemingway with his friends, on his travels, and with his family. Each photo tells a little story about who Hemingway was and the things he loved to do.

Hemingway Home Museum Garden
Hanming Huang
Hemingway Home Museum Pool
Christophe Blaise

One of the most interesting parts of the museum is Hemingway’s library. The shelves are full of books that Hemingway owned and read. These books show us what kinds of stories and ideas Hemingway liked. They help us understand what inspired him to write his own stories.

The museum also has many of Hemingway’s personal things. You can see some of his hunting trophies and fishing gear. There are also letters that he wrote. These items help us understand what Hemingway was like as a person, not just as a writer. They show us the things he loved to do and the people he cared about.

Planning Your Visit: Hours and Admission

If you want to visit the Hemingway House and Museum, here’s what you need to know:

  • The museum is open every day from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • For adults, it costs about $18 to get in. If you’re a student, a child, or a senior, you can get in for less money.
  • Remember to bring cash – the museum doesn’t take credit cards.
  • There are guided tours that last about 30 minutes. These tours are great because the guides know lots of interesting stories about Hemingway and the house.

How to Get to the Museum?

The museum is at 907 Whitehead Street in Key West, Florida. If you’re already in Key West, you can walk, ride a bike, take a taxi, or hop on a tram to get there. If you’re coming from far away, you can drive to Key West or take a ferry. Once you’re on the island, it’s easy to find your way to the museum.

Here’s a good tip: Before you go, check the museum’s website. This will give you the most up-to-date information about when it’s open, how much it costs, and if there are any special events happening.



The Hemingway House in Key West is more than just an old building. It’s a place where you can learn about one of America’s greatest writers. When you visit, you can walk through the same rooms where Hemingway lived and worked. You can see the desk where he wrote his famous stories, look at his personal things, and even meet the descendants of his cats.

This house helps us remember Hemingway not just as a name in a book, but as a real person who lived, worked, and created amazing stories. Whether you love reading, history, or just want to see a beautiful old house, the Hemingway Home and Museum is a place that will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. It’s a chance to connect with the past and maybe even feel inspired to write your own stories.