Key West Bridges: Driving the Overseas Highwayand 7 Mile Bridge

Key West Bridges: Driving the Overseas Highwayand 7 Mile Bridge

Key West bridges, uncover the tales of the Seven Mile Bridge, navigate the Overseas Highway, and discover the magic of the Florida Keys!
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Key West is a special place at the very end of Florida. It’s known for its beautiful nature, interesting history, and cool buildings. But one of the most impressive things about Key West is its bridges.

These bridges are super important. They connect all the little islands in the area, helping people move around easily. Imagine driving on a road with bright blue-green water on both sides. That’s what it’s like to cross these bridges!

Historical Overview of Key West Bridges

Let’s go back in time to learn how these bridges came to be. About 100 years ago, Florida was still a wild place. The islands of Key West were hard to get to. But then a rich man named Henry Flagler had a big idea.

Flagler wanted to build a train track all the way to Key West. Many people thought it was impossible, but he didn’t give up. In 1912, the first train arrived in Key West. It was a huge deal!

Key West Bridges Train

Sadly, a big storm in 1935 wrecked a lot of the train track. But instead of giving up, people turned the old train bridges into a road for cars. They called it the Overseas Highway. Now, instead of trains, cars could drive all the way to Key West.

Today, these bridges are a big part of what makes Key West special. The most famous one is called the Seven Mile Bridge. It’s really long and gives you amazing views of the ocean.

There’s also an old part of this bridge that people can walk on. It’s called the Old Seven Mile Bridge, and it’s full of history.

Bridges of Key West

These bridges are more than just ways to get from one place to another. They’re like a symbol of Key West. When you drive across them, you feel like you’re on an adventure. You can see water all around you, and it feels like you’re flying over the ocean.

The bridges help tell the story of Key West. They show how people worked hard to connect these islands and make them easier to visit. Every time someone drives across these bridges, they’re part of this long and exciting history.

So if you ever visit Key West, make sure to enjoy the ride across these amazing bridges. Look out at the beautiful views, think about the history, and enjoy being part of Key West’s story.

Seven Mile Bridge

The Seven Mile Bridge is the star of Key West’s bridges. As its name suggests, it’s a huge bridge that’s seven miles long. It connects two islands: Knight’s Key in Marathon to Little Duck Key in the Lower Keys. This bridge is really special for a few reasons.

When it was built in 1982, it was one of the longest bridges in the world. Building it was a huge challenge. Imagine trying to build something that long over the ocean! The builders had to deal with strong winds and salty water that can damage materials. It was so impressive that some people call it the “Eighth Wonder of the World.”

Longest Bridges The Seven Mile Bridge Florida
Robert A. Burr

Today, the Seven Mile Bridge is more than just a way to get from one island to another. It’s become a famous landmark. People love to drive, bike, or even run across it. Every year, there’s a big running event called the Seven Mile Bridge Run.

When you’re on the bridge, you can feel the fresh ocean air and see amazing views in all directions. It’s like you’re floating above the water. Crossing this bridge is a unique experience that you can’t get anywhere else in the world.

Old Seven Mile Bridge

Right next to the new Seven Mile Bridge is an older bridge called the Old Seven Mile Bridge. While cars can’t drive on it anymore, it’s still an important part of Key West’s history.

This old bridge was built way back at the start of the 1900s. It was part of a train track that connected all the islands. Building it was a big deal back then, just like building the new bridge was in the 1980s.

Key West Bridges Seven Mile Bridge

Even though it’s been hit by many hurricanes and is very old, the Old Seven Mile Bridge is still standing. Now, people use it for walking and biking. When you’re on this bridge, you’re walking on a piece of history. It’s like stepping back in time and imagining what it was like when trains used to run here.

The old bridge also leads to a small island called Pigeon Key. This tiny island was where the workers who built the original train bridge lived. It’s a cool place to visit and learn more about the area’s history.

Bahia Honda Bridge

Some bridges are just for getting from one place to another, but the Bahia Honda Bridge offers more than that. This bridge connects two islands called Bahia Honda Key and Spanish Harbor Key. What makes it special is that it’s next to a beautiful state park.

The Bahia Honda Bridge used to be part of the old train track too. Now, it stands watch over Bahia Honda State Park. From the bridge, you can see amazing views of the island and the water all around.

Bahia Honda State Park Beaches
Ben Hagen
Bahia Honda State Park Old Bridge
Ben Hagen

But the real fun starts when you get off the bridge and into the park. Bahia Honda State Park has some of the best beaches in all of the Florida Keys. You can go swimming in clear blue water or relax on soft sand.

If you like fishing, you can try catching fish from the shore. There’s even a place for boats if you want to go out on the water. Whether you want to relax on the beach, go for a swim, or explore nature, this bridge leads you to a perfect spot for outdoor fun.

Long Key Bridge

Let’s talk about another amazing bridge in Key West called the Long Key Bridge. Some people also call it the Dodge Memorial Bridge. This bridge is almost three miles long and connects two islands: Long Key and Conch Key.

But what makes this bridge really special is the beautiful views you can see while driving on it. Imagine being surrounded by bright green water and clear blue skies as far as you can see. It’s like driving through a postcard!

Key West Bridges Sunset

One of the best things about the Long Key Bridge is watching the sunset from it. Picture this: you’re on the bridge, and the sun is slowly going down. The sky turns all sorts of pretty colors – orange, red, and pink. It’s the kind of view that makes you stop and stare. Many people say it’s a moment they never forget.

Activities Around the Bridges

Fishing: One popular thing to do is fishing. The water around these bridges is full of different kinds of fish. If you like fishing, you can try your luck from bridges like the Bahia Honda Bridge. Even if you’ve never fished before, it can be exciting to try and catch fish like tarpon, snook, or redfish.

Bridges Of Key West Snorkeling

Biking and Walking: Some bridges, like the Old Seven Mile Bridge, are perfect for biking or taking a walk. As you ride your bike or walk along, you get to see amazing views all around you. It’s a great way to exercise while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
There’s even a special running event called the Seven Mile Bridge Run. Once a year, people get to run across the whole Seven Mile Bridge!

Water Sports: The bridges also help you get to great spots for water activities. You can go snorkeling or diving to see colorful fish and underwater life. If you prefer staying on top of the water, you can try sailing or boating. The clear, blue water around the bridges is perfect for these kinds of adventures.


How many bridges are in Key West?

When people talk about Key West, they often mean the whole chain of islands called the Florida Keys, not just the city at the end. The road that connects all these islands to the mainland has 42 bridges!

What is the big bridge to Key West?

The biggest bridge is definitely the Seven Mile Bridge. As you might guess from its name, it’s about seven miles long. This bridge connects two islands: Knight’s Key (which is part of a city called Marathon) and Little Duck Key.


The bridges of Key West âre a big part of the area’s history and show how clever engineers can be. They also lead to beautiful places and fun adventures.

Each bridge has its own special features. The Seven Mile Bridge is super long and impressive. The Old Seven Mile Bridge is full of history. The Bahia Honda Bridge and Long Key Bridge offer beautiful views and lead to fun outdoor activities.

When you drive on these bridges, you’re not just going from one place to another. You’re experiencing the history, culture, and natural beauty of the Florida Keys. It’s like taking a journey through time and nature all at once.